Was the Jamaican Reggae artist known as Sizzla Kalongi very aware of his fore-fathers' enslavement and subsequent oppression at the hands of the European people who gave them a white skinned male god, or that he just wanted to reject such a concept? What ever led him to pen such lyrics in 1990s, suggest he was just really bothered by a notion that blatantly defined him as a lesser human and validated the vile actions perpetrated on black people for hundreds of years, 'cos the mighty maker of man was white skinned.
The big question even today is, how was he able to publicly perform this track without backlash from elder christian community who genuinely believe their god is white, blue eyed and long blonde hair? Did they then and now not hear the lyrics?
I have no white god
don't teach me anything wrong
could your white god
save me from white man oppression
I have no white god
it's just a black messiah
if your white god a bless you
him no bless sizzla
The debate as to the race of the "almighty maker" of all things will never be proven since it's just from a book of tales and only left to each race to imagine what that deity would be. Before European invasion and conquest of African countries, all the gods would naturally look like the people of the land, and the same is true for all cultures across the world: Indian gods are Indian, Chinese gods are Chinese and Euro gods were always white. It is logical that a culture or tribe which invades and conquer another, would give credit to their god and declare it to be superior, hence making them a superior people, then force the people they conquered to bow to the god of the conqueror. That's reality!
What Sizzla at age 19 was loudly stating is that he refuses to accept the god of his conqueror and oppressor because that god, naturally, has no concern for him and only wants him to be a lesser human, and he is correct on that ideology. Every non-white christian should consider this logic.